Together we are stronger
I believe homebirth remains a safe and viable option during these times.
COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 is a virus that infects the respiratory system and is easily spread through close contact with an infected individual (with or without symptoms) and/or, to a lesser degree, touching contaminated surfaces and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. The available research indicates that COVID-19 poses an increased risk to pregnant people and their babies in severity of illness and risk of preterm labor and birth.
The public health emergency for COVID-19 expired on May 11, 2023. While most public mandates, such as wearing a mask, are no longer required, remaining cautious is advised.
Consider the following recommendations:
Wash your hands frequently
Avoid touching your face and eyes
Avoid large gatherings in places that are not adequately ventilated
Consider getting the flu and Tdap vaccines
Consider getting the COVID vaccine and/or booster if it has been 6 months since completing the vaccine regimen
Seek early treatment if you test positive for COVID-19
Midwifery and lactation care has returned to the normal routines at Moonstone Sunrise. Masking is optional and all care is in-person unless clients have opted for a tele-health visit.